Thursday, June 26, 2008

What Ara Can Teach Me.

45 on the elliptical!  Proud.  I even did another 20 minutes of cardio after the fact.. why?  I think I did it because I could and that feels good.  I had only planned on doing 35 minutes today since it is my first elliptical day but at 35 I felt like I could keep going.. so I did.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  I am starting to really feel a difference, this is my third week of working out and it's nice to see.  I can do more, and go longer.  I don't see any muscles yet though.  Hello, muscles where are you?  Haha, kidding I am not planning on being a flex-a-lot lady I just want to be able to keep up with my firecracker daughter.


Speaking of fast moving toddler girls...

Ara has been outright ignoring me lately and she has been constantly doing prohibited things to get a reaction from me.  On Tuesday, I changed her diaper then got up to do the dishes.  I turned around and looked at Ara twice, sitting on the couch reading a book like an angel.  The third time I looked she had gotten up and gone to her room.  I though, "Aww she probably wants another book".  I finished the dishes and then went to her room.  She had shut the door, never a good sign.  I opened it to find that she had squeezed the entire tube of foot cream for her rash.  She had it all over her body, on the floor, closet door, her hair.  I had JUST mopped and the sight of goob all over everything gave me a small heart attack.  I was frustrated.  She was delighted that she had not only gotten to experiment with goop but also had won the power struggle with Mom over who was in control.  I was angry.  I washed her and sent her to time out while I cleaned up.  This is just one example of the daily struggles.  I read all the books and and articles about toddlers and their desire for power and control and yet I was still struggling to be even tempered about this kind of behavior.  I was also angry at myself for leaving that tube down where she could reach it.  How do you beat that?  Being mad at yourself for giving your toddler the opportunity to make you mad?  Anyway, today I tried a new strategy.  I think I have been getting too involved in cleaning and working out and cooking and doing dishes.  I have been ignoring clues from Ara that she needs more play time with Mom and less time being told not to make a mess.  Today I vowed to come down to her level and talk with her instead of at her.  We had a dance party and a pretend slumber party.  I got her step stool and had her help make a fruit smoothy.  She peeled the banana and even pushed the blender buttons.  She helped me clean up and I could see she felt happy to be included and proud of herself.  We still had moments where she tested me but this time I was in control. I wasn't mad I was calm and that means that we both win! 

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