Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cut and Paste Thoughts

Book: Goblet of Fire (yes again)

Activity: Playing FFXI tonight. BLM Ka-Boom. We recently reactivated our characters since we stopped playing a while ago. Not our old old characters though, sadly.

Music: Evanescence, I haven't listed to them in forever (so don't call me an emo).

Karma: So this lady sat in a chair next to me in class, picked up my pencil and kept it. The next day, one of my students gave me a gift; a pack of pencils, pens, and super cool highlighter post-it pens. Lose a pencil, gain many pencils!

On my Mind: I should make a To-Do list because I feel like I have a lot to do! What kind of people stick random bumper stickers on their cars? I saw a van today that read, "It's all about me" and "If you don't like abortion, don't have one" you do have to wonder.

Araness: Little wonder girl was in a kind of quiet mood today. Her Daddy has been working more so she wanted to be close to me all day, and I have NO objections to Ara-love. Head-hugs galore! She is cruising now, and even trying to stand without support.

Upload Ara pictures to Yahoo and have them printed
Have a set of pictures sent to CA grandma
Call Thursday student
Think about summer teaching day
Read chapter in child development book
Look at other child development books
Grocery store!
Get Ara a new toy box

