Wednesday, June 28, 2006


A few days ago Ara started looking up at the fish tank and saying quietly, "shhhh".

At the grocery store we stopped to look at the lobsters in a tank and she tells me,
"Mam (a combination of Mom and Mama I think) F-shhhhh".

Today we were in the pool and I told her she was a fish.

Now when I make a swimming motion with my arms we both laugh and say, "F-shhhh".

She is my secret joy.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Control. Do you need it?

Control Our! Hilarious-satisfying waste of your time. You can control the.. junk remotely from your computer. My Brother actually found the site.

Since we are on the subject of webcams. Yesterday I had Ara on my lap and I was looking for pictures of zoo animals to show her. I stumbled across the San Diego Zoo cams. We watched the elephant and panda bears. Once again the internet brings far away things close!

Ara and I have been swimming, and I am LOVING watching her learn about things that float, kicking her legs, using her arms to move the water to bring things closer. You cannot help but be effected by her curious and optimistic view of the world. Motherhood is beautiful.

Friday, June 23, 2006


I recently had the realization that I am ALWAYs multi-tasking.

I'm driving in the car --I'm raising a child.

Buying groceries --I'm raising a child.

Taking a shower --I'm raising a child.

I never do anything without Ara on my mind. I am so different from myself a year ago I am unrecognizable. I would have laughed my ass off if someone told me I would be feeling like a regimented schedule is awesome someday. Or that I would NOT think that 7 AM is freakishly early. I guess it really just says a lot about me that I didn't think Motherhood would change me so completely. I was naive in thinking that Ara would live my life, I pictured us hanging out at Barnes with cutesy baby in the stroller napping happily. I thought of us hiking with her in one of those backpacks. Us in fancy restaurants with our angel in the car seat making happy coo- noises. Not to say that we don't do those things but our life is definitely much more Ara-oriented! I cringe when I think of taking her out before her afternoon nap. I fume over people who set appointment in the middle of Ara's lunchtime.

And, do not even THINK of making noise while she is sleeping unless you would like to incur my wrath!

Ara Update:

  • She is almost ready to walk. If you turn her toy box over she pushes it around like a shopping cart.

  • She is SIGNING back! I swell with pride and love every time she does the sign for milk or tells me she is hungry.

  • She is talking more and more and responds with signs. Kitty, Dada, Mom, Bam-pa (Grandpa), Ja ja (cousin Joey), Ba-na-na.

  • She imitates talking on the phone with any toy that even remotely resembles one. Or when the real phone rings.

  • She played with the big kids in the McD's Playplace (see picture)!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Peaches for free!

All this time I've been slicing an dicing every piece of fruit so tiny and it turns out she loves nothing more than a pealed whole peach. This is the picture of happiness! Ara went to her ped today, she has pink eye. I have NO idea how she came into contact with pink eye except maybe when we went to the library yesterday. Anyway, her little eyes are so puffy and goopy. She doesn't let it slow her down though!

My feelings for the day: Relief that it's over!


