Sunday, May 07, 2006


Today marks a week since Ara and I are no longer breastfeeding. I feel a lot of sadness about this. We have been through some stressful times the past 3 months and my milk supply wasn't keeping up with her growing demand. I tried, I really did. I don't want regret or sadness to cloud my beautiful memories. Ara was exclusively BF until she was 6 months and I should feel proud about that and stop dwelling on the fact that the experts say 1 year. It is a personal issue. The most personal issue I can think of. Ara pretty much weaned herself, she wanted more milk and the bottles have a faster flow. I am so grateful that I was able to give my little girl the best start possible. I had a lot of support from Bard, the Birth Center, and my Mom and I needed it to get through the difficult beginnings. I am going to lift my head and look forward to all of the wonderful stages that are to come. I am! It's crazy I almost feel like I am saying goodbye to a good friend... I have read all of these articles on how to make weaning easier on your baby, and it turns out I am the one who needed weaning support. My daughter is not afraid of change, she knows she is loved, and she has an unbreakable spirit! Ok, I tried but I still feel sad. I guess I need more time. Thanks for listening.

