Friday, July 18, 2008

Plugged In

I am watching the previews before my movie because the voices in my head told me too.

Just wanted to leave a note to myself that Elizabethtown looks cute.

I am hoping to fall asleep listening to Breakfast at Tiffany's what did people do before they could block out their thoughts with headphones?

I'm tired in so many ways, let's hope sleep does me some good.


SIXTY TWO minutes on elliptical bishes (and strength)!!!111

I am in a good mood!


I've been going to bed at a decent hour and I met my workout goal!

Go me.

I got in some practice time tonight after dinner. I feel like I am starting from scratch because I have nothing that I am currently working on. So I went through the music I have access too (most of my music is buried up in a loft area) and I pulled out some orchestral excerpts, etudes, and a sonata. I decided to focus on Prokofiev Sonata mostly because when I reached into the box that's what I pulled out. It's a piece I always liked and I have never played it, so it works! The sight reading started out pretty rough but my brain did eventually kick in and by the end it was going fairly smoothly. It wasn't a long practice session but I was able to make some decisions about my direction. Tomorrow I hope to nail down some goals for practice times, scales, and plan a performance (at least an idea of my time frame). I will also choose what kind of recordings I want to post.

So I feel good about that.

This is the first movement of the Sonata played by Fenwick Smith.

I am feeling a little tired and dehydrated right now, I forgot to take my multivitamin but I have been drinking water. I guess it's never enough when you live in a desert.

Tomorrow I teach in the morning and then in the evening Alex's sister invited us over to her new house to see the baby who will be a whole week old. I am assuming the invitation didn't actually come today but that is when the information reached me. I was planning on a work out tomorrow so if I can go to bed early tonight I will try to make it over there early. If they are open early enough.. I should check that. I don't want to take the weekend off anymore, it sets me back on Monday's and I have to work back up, which sucks. I always feel so strong on Friday's, it would be great if I could feel like that everyday.

I borrowed a book from the library about sleep ponies for Ara last week and I have been reading it to her every night. It's a wordy book so she doesn't really listen to all of it but it has beautiful illustrations of ponies. Since we started reading it we have been talking about ponies and sleep ponies (that carry you softy to dreams). Tonight she asked me to sing a song about the pony in the book, whinny. I couldn't think of a horse or pony song so I made one up.

Whinny, Whinny
Your hair is brown.
Whinny, Whinny
You make soft sounds.
Whinny is my sleep pony.
Whinny is my sleep pony.

I am writing it down so I can remember it when she asks me to sing it again.

I have been thinking of making some sound recordings of the made up songs we sing so that I can play them for her when she is older. It's a special thing that we do and I want to remember it.

