Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Workout Update and Poo News

My workout this morning was intense and I felt so strong. I was walking around (on wobbly legs) like I owned the world. Who is tough? I am! I did 35 minutes of cardio, the problem is that there is supposed to be a warm-up and a cool-down but when I get to the end and decrease the difficulty I just go faster and my heart rate stays up at 150. I keep telling myself to slow down, but the momentum and adrenaline tell me otherwise. I am going to switch to the elliptical machines tomorrow to keep things new and fresh, and hard. I am a little nervous about 35-40 minutes because the elliptical's always feel like more work to me, but I am going for cardio training so it's really my heart rate I am interested in. I think it's so interesting how they have used technology to make working out more efficient and easier to track. The Y has a computer system that logs your works outs and sometimes the trainers will leave you notes. I like little gadgety things like that, they keep me motivated and help me to push the limits a little more. The weights I did today felt good, I was able to get through the legs even though they felt numb from the bike lol.

I have to tidy up the house because I have a student today but I would rather take a nap when Ara does! The house isn't in terrible shape, I get so tired of doing the floors everyday though. I like all tile, because it seems cleaner than carpet but it's hard on your knees and feet after you've been on it all day and it's a constant job sweeping and mopping. I did all the dishes today but of course another meal has happened and "rinse repeat" literally! I hand washed the workout clothes I wore today and yesterday because they are my favorite and I want to wear them again this week. So I have to rinse and hang those up, then of course do the bathroom surfaces. The list goes on and on, a thousand tiny jobs that add up to probably 2 hours worth of chores. For the moment though, Ara is playing animals and I am giving my legs a 10 minute break.

The potty training is progressing slowly but surely. She seems content to use diapers as long as they are on her butt so it seems it will have to be all of nothing. No diaper, means some accidents but she doesn't like that so she is far more motivated to sit on the potty chair. We bought her some cute little underwear and so the struggle has begun! Pee pee wars! The good news is we have all TILE. Ahh the good and bad. No scrubbing poo out of carpets for me. A clorox wipe and a quick mop and ta da, good as new. I am a poo cleaning super hero. Don't get any ideas, Ara poop only.

YMCA Fitness Person

I met with a fitness expert today at the Y.  I really enjoyed the hour spent with her, we went through my current workout and talked about how to make it more effective and added some things.  I know it's her job, but I felt encouraged and good about the progress I've made so far.  This is my third week and I am proud of myself for sticking to it.  The AC wasn't working at the Y today, though so the second I was done with the trainer, I whisked Ara out of there and went straight to my Mom's to swim!  I hope it's fixed by tomorrow morning, that was super miserable lol.  I will work out either way, that is how hard-core I am.  That's right, feel impressed!  I am trying to increase my cardio, I have been doing a 25 minute workout so tomorrow I will be going for 35 minutes!  It doesn't seem like much but 10 minutes can seem like an eternity sometimes.  I do a half hour strengthening routine as well but I am focusing on increasing the cardio, my goal is 45 minutes at my target heart rate.  The funny part is that they limit you to 30 minutes on the machines... I doubt anyone will be timing me.

Our car is back home with us now, my Dad spent his entire weekend on it in this 109 degree heat.  Stupid car.  I am so ready to look at a car with a warranty.  My wish list includes: working gas gauge, non-overheating, good gas mileage, and... a button ignition!   I'm kidding about that last part but I will be honest that is the feature on the Prius's that excites me the most. 

I've been taking Ara swimming pretty frequently and I am more and more convinced that she is part fish.  Last Friday we didn't have her life vest because it was in the broken purple car.  I took her in anyway and she is so buoyant she practically floats.   She did just fine without the floaty and I was proud and deeply impressed.  I made her 2 little bracelets a few days ago during one of our many craft hours and she has been wearing them everyday.  She loves them, and she looks so cute!

