Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mud Monster Pic

7-25-07 029
Originally uploaded by fluteloop
I finally got one of those little zippy key USB things. I always call it the wrong thing.. I want to say key drive but it's really something else. Not a zip drive.. those were the old school floppy looking things. Oh oh a flash drive! Ok long meandering intro on the mud photo, sorry about that. Since I got my new Flash thing I was able to bring all of the pictures from my sister's computer home.

This is Ara in the main mud pit. She was really reluctant to touch or sit in the mud. I thought maybe it was because I seemed scared of it so I sat right down in it hoping to make her feel more comfortable. Turns out Ara wasn't taking her cue from me so I had mud covering the entire lower half of me for no reason. I'm talking serious mud too, heavy, thick, hard to wash off mud. My shoes are still sitting out by our back door. I'm thinking throwing them away will be far less effort than cleaning them!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Looks like Fun!!! GOOD CLEAN FUN!!


