Monday, August 07, 2006

What is Wierd About You/Myspace Rant

I have always had an issue with using a dish from the dish rack. I guess I feel like it was too recently dirty. Or, you know when you really need a fork, but they are all dirty so you wash one really fast. Yeah, I have a really hard time with that too.
If it's still wet.. ick.
If you dried it with a dish towel.. ick.

There I feel better now.

Speaking of things that bother me though. Every single time I naively look at at a myspace page I am amazed. What makes people think that some hideous, busy, and distracting picture is a good background? Hello, we can't even read your text! Also, don't put music on your site. Please. I mean paleeeeeeeeease. I don't want to hear some low quality, slow loading, music that is not of my choosing. Then there is the issue where all your friends THINK they know their myspace address and yet mysteriously it takes 30 minutes of searching myspace and then google because myspace search sucks to locate the page. I think they do that on purpose to keep you on myspace longer. And last but certainly not least, once you finally find the page you are looking for, you can't actually view anything unless you sign up. Brilliant. Annoying.

I play an online game, ffxi and it seems like everyone you meet has a myspace. It's part of our culture now despite my feelings. Like the Ipod, blogging, IMing, and the use of 'lol'. I will never escape it. I don't feel however that, that is any reason to stop ranting about it!

One side note though, parents for the love of god supervise your children online. It is scary how many teens are online begging for someone to pay attention to them. You may not realize it, but there is some freak on the internet who does.


  1. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Does it really matter if your fork has just been washed or it's been washed a week ago and has been busy doing nothing in the cupboard until now?

  2. Anonymous7:17 PM

    i will not use a cup/glass that is still wet right out of the dishwasher:)


