Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Oh Baby

So my sister gets one of those entertainment type magazines, I'm not sure how often they are delivered but it seems pretty frequent. I pick them up now and then and find myself drawn into the baby dramas that are CONSTATLY being reported. Now, I know I have a baby so I am naturally interested (I think anyway) in other people's baby stories. What I wonder though, is everyone else in the world as fascinated as I am in the birth plans and raising of celebrity children? Does everyone care if Angelina chooses to have her baby in a wildlife preserve in Africa? Or weather Katie can scream if she wants to? How many out there want Brittany to buy a car seat and stop using the high chair as a prop for chair dancing? I'm just curious. It seems as if this particular magazine BELONGS to Angelina, Katie, and Brit, they are in it so often. I always crack up when some journalist makes a big deal about Angelina blowing up at Brad for little things... umm the woman is PREGNANT. Understand that the bump is a universal signal for "don't mess with me". Besides I imagine, just from the looks of her or something that she is not to be messed with under most circumstances. That may be unfair... I don't actually know anything about her, besides what I've read in unsubstantiated gossip articles. But, she was Laura Croft right? Don't burst my bubble. I was a Tomb Raider fan way back in the day, like in ancient times. The movie was a little unfortunate but she looked the part like no one's business.

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