Sometimes bad things make you thankful. Today I am thankful.
I found out last night via the blogosphere that an old friend had taken his own life. Jason was someone I connected with online. When I met him I was just beginning to find I had an interest in design. Jason, or JasoNYC as he was to me then seemed to know it all. He seemed to crackle with wit, sarcasm, and talent. We would talk everyday about our projects and he would give me honest and critical comments. Sometimes they stung, but I would dive back in and realize he was right, I could do better. We would even play “photoshop tennis” passing an image back and forth, taking turns adding increasingly far out elements. I felt a real connection to him in this area but looking back I knew so little of Jason himself. We both moved on and we haven’t spoken much these past few years. My last communication with him was a year ago through Deviant Art.
The post by Chris Diclerico about Jason is really touching and explains a little to me how Jason could come to this point. It also has links to Jason’s work, he was an amazing photographer. Several of the pictures in his galleries were taken when he and I were still talking everyday and they look so alive and contrary to the reality that all of his friends are facing now.
I have been looking through old blog posts from back in the day and I found this. It’s nothing more than nonsense but it made me laugh and laugh at the time:
The following is a transcript of a chat I had with my friend Jason, master of random thoughts:
~fluteloop~ : It was sort of ghetto-an-istic... fight or be fighted upon
?jason? : I hate being fighted upon when I'm not in the mood.
~fluteloop~ : so true
?jason? : But after I watch fight type movies...
~fluteloop~ : you totally want to kick some ppl!
~fluteloop~ : yeah!
~fluteloop~ : Im with you!
?jason? : Like Spiderman 2, I was so ready to climb up some walls and fight crime.
~fluteloop~ : I will have to go see that
?jason? : Not really bad crime with guns and stuff.
~fluteloop~ : I just said that...but I know I wont go...crazy
?jason? : Just like...if someone's peeing, and they try to pee on me, I would totally yell at them.
~fluteloop~ : well... you
~fluteloop~ : are a new yorker youre tough and stuff
~fluteloop~ : I would yell at them too but then later I would cry
?jason? : I would yell stuff like 'Hey! Don't pee on me!' And smart things like that.
~fluteloop~ : good call
?jason? : And...
~fluteloop~ : i would say 'whats wrong with you?'
?jason? : Dude. You just totally took what I was going to say...
~fluteloop~ : I also like refering to ppl as pieces of crap
?jason? : Pieces of crap goes with so many occasions.
~fluteloop~ : and that might pertain to the situation
?jason? : You can call someone a piece of crap.
?jason? : Something can BE a piece of crap.
?jason? : You can FEEL like a piece of crap.
~fluteloop~ : cant breathe
?jason? : Versatility is a major part of any important slanderous phrase.
I can’t believe this is a world without him, I hope he found his peace.
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