Ara at the park today. Yesterdays Itty Bitty Soccer day was.. interesting. I am having a hard time convincing her that playing soccer is more fun that sliding or swinging on the playground. I don't want to force her to play soccer because then I can pretty much kiss that goodbye. So I tried all kinds of other tactics. I finally got her on the soccer field through the help of another Mom and her 3 year old son. They raced us over there and Ara was down with that. Once I had her in the practice she did nothing but twirl like a ballerina and completely ignore everything her coach asked her to do. Every drill they set up requires the kids to wait in line. Ara has NEVER waited in line. An oversight on my part, I'm sure daycare kids wait in line all the time. I tried to imagine practicing that at home with her. I imagined lining up the cat, Ara, and myself and then I laughed. We will try a few pretend games with her My Litte Ponies waiting in line for things I think. So back to soccer... Ara was perfecting her twirl-while-looking-at-the-sky move when she took a sudden dive face first into the dirt. She scraped up her forhead and check pretty dramatically. She hardly batted an eye lash over it though, she kept on moving. She eventually ran off to the playground about a 15 minutes before practice was over but since she had yet to even touch a ball I followed her across the park and cut myself a little slack. Her face wounds look pretty bad but she hasn't complained at all about them. I took her back to the same park today. My new plan is to overexpose the park so that it won't seem quite so exciting on soccer days... well SOME plan is better than no plan I suppose!