Thursday, May 11, 2006

Is it on me?? I think it's on me!!

Early this morning (4 AM) I was ripped from a deep sleep by a strange scratchy noise. I had fallen asleep on the couch so I laid there listening, trying to pinpoint the source. It was almost like the sound of a hard drive working hard so I got up and walked over to TomPuter, nothing. I turned towards the torch lamp I had left on, nope. Then I realize... it's coming from the trash right next to the lamp. The trash is empty except for a few chile saladito seeds, a candy wrapper and... a COCKROACH! Oh you didn't know? I have a paralyzing fear of roaches (and snakes). I stood there horrified. What should I do? The bug was trying to climb up the side but apparently couldn't get a grip on the plastic liner. It was helpless, and yet I was frozen with fear. My mind was racing, my skin was crawling, and the bug... well he was relentlessly trying to climb with his disgusting little legs. I wanted to wake up Bard, instead I called my cat, Chester. Kuku (AKA Chester) immediately heard the scratching when he entered the room. He crouched down looking excited. I grabbed him up because I was suddenly afraid he would knock the trash over and the bug would be free! In my mind a sad little plan was forming. Using a big black trash bag I covered the top of the trash can, turned it over, and used a twisty tie to close it. Then holding the bag at arms length in front of me like a bomb I ran to the back door, opened it, and threw the bag, trash can, and roach as far as I could. It was a metal can so it hit the cement with a sound like a gun. I slammed the door and then pleaded with Kuku to sleep with me to watchout for more bugs. So now I need a new trash can... and to never see another roach as long as I live! ICK! Also... if someone could please pick up the trash bag outside my back door, it would be greatly appreciated.


::Ara Update::

"I have a name!"
Yesterday morning I came into the kitchen where Ara was having her breakfast and like she always does when she spots me, Ara stops, and stares at me expectantly. Unlike an adult Ara looks you straight in the eye, reading you, she tries to keep her face neutral but you can see the smile that is waiting to burst forth. She looked like she was willing me to come to her! I bent down to kiss (and smell) her head and she turned to me and said very seriously, "Mom". Bard, my sister, and I all drew in breath and waited. Still looking at me she says, "Mama" and then as we are all starting to cheer she says, "Mom" one more time! I have a name! Woo hoo! She called me Mom a few times today and she doesn't seem to think it is extraordinary but it makes my heart skip a beat everytime.


"Yam Yum"
I made Ara Yams today, and she loves them. So much so that she painted her entire face, highchair, and everyone within arm reach with them. We also gave her a rice cake for the first time and she had a blast. Bard was making fun of me today for my strange interest in making babyfood since I am known for burning water.

"Rolly Polly baby"
It's amazing how fast she is growing, I think we can almost officially say she is crawling. She still doesn't have the hands and knee thing completely down but she can pivot, roll, backwards crawl, and lunge to get where she is going. She seems really focused on pulling herself up with furniture, maybe she thinks crawling if for the dogs and she would prefer to skip ahead to cruising.

