Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I can shake shake shake my booty!

Workout: Yay I made it to the afro aerobics class! The teacher is this perfect tall blond who is actually really sweet but is a jerk for having a reflection that makes my reflection look so crappy. I loved the music which had intricate drum beats and such energy. The moves were fun and although I looked horribly awkward it felt like dancing and was SOOO much better than the never ending monatony that is the elliptical. The teacher brought sarongs for us to wear and the whole class was barefoot haha. Sadly, I woke up sore this morning and after the class my soreness has doubled. I need a hot bath and a massage!

After the class Ara and I came home and ate a lunch of leftovers. They were good leftovers so I wasn't complaining. I am an excellent microwaver. I had to clean the house for my student and then I put the sleep resistant Ara to bed. She was silent for probably 45 minutes and I don't know if it was her active brain or the sound of power tools from next door (landlord AGAIN) but she was very awake when I went to get her. The student I saw today is making great progress, this is her first year in High School and her first year in a band of any kind. I think the whole expirience is helping her to push herself foward. I've been teaching her since she was 4 so it's hard for me to see her as a freshman! And... you know where that train of thought led me.. SOMEDAY ARA WILL BE 14!~ /dramaqueen off

