This morning we all jumped into the purple car, we usually take A to work, then Ara and I spend about 2 hours at the YMCA, then we were going to feed the birds (I am house sitting today), then come home to clean up for my student. Instead I am sitting on the couch in my workout clothes because the... sad purple car has grown distant and unresponsive! What I mean to say is that it won't start. It makes an effort but it's all too much for it I guess.
Ara says she can fix it.
Her suggestions;
- The purple car needs batteries.
- The purple car needs a star catcher truck (star catcher is how she says white because it's the name of a white My Little Pony).
- We need a new purple car.
It's sad because the only thing I can think of is to call my Dad but he is at work until this evening so I am lame.