Monday, March 09, 2009

Parade and School

I saw this Earth Day Festival advertisement on the bus today!  I am going to talk to Ara about it tomorrow.  We get to pick an animal to represent in the parade.  I am curious to see what Ara will want to choose.  Maybe panda bears!

Join the Parade
All species great and small-insects, plants and animals-the Earth needs them all! Dress-up and participate in the “All Species Procession” as part of the Earth Day Parade! Make a banner and tell us how your species is so important to Planet Earth. Are you helping clean the air (trees and plants)? Are you endangered or threatened species? The ice may be melting your home (global warming) or maybe there hasn’t been rain in a while so you are affected by drought or the threat of fire… let us know what we should do to help all species have a green habitat! Parade begins at 10:00 and winners are announced at 11:30.


Below are some pictures from our “Tot School” lessons last week!


DSC03241This was a kit I found at a craft store on clearance from valentines day.  We had a lot of fun putting it together and decorating it with stickers and glitter glue.  Ara was completely engrossed and she was so creative.  Most of the actual construction was a little too complicated but we worked together.  Plus she was so proud of the end result!




This was water day.  I gave her different sized cups and bowls.  She loved pouring, dropping beads in, and pretending to make a cake.  She wasn’t big on the eye dropper for moving water.  We experimented by filling a cup and then adding beads until it spilled over.  Ara noticed that some of the beads floated and some sank.


This tray was filled with food pictures I cut out of grocery ads.  We used glue and scissors to make an “ara’s-favorite-foods” collage.  She enjoyed this for a bit but it didn’t hold her attention like the other trays. 


This tray was something I saw on the tot school site except that they used big plastic tweezers to move the balls from the bowl to the tray.  I didn’t have one so I substituted a spoon.  Ara was not interested in this one at all. She does like to play with the puff balls though.

