Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I refuse to watch scary movies, movies about animals, sad movies, or movies set in Scotland or Ireland. When I was pregnant I had to stop watching shows like CSI and even the news. They effect me too much and make me have bad dreams. I do know I’m a wimp.
2. I think of playing flute as an emotional faucet. All of the emotions, frustrations, passions, and even forgotten things come bubbling up to the surface when I play. Sometimes I have to keep a list near me to write down all the things I realize I’ve forgotten.
3. From 7th grade up I have always been in a relationship except for a small window in my Senior year in high school when I moved to Arizona. All of my relationships ended amicable.
4. I learned that I loved to read books in 3rd grade. I would put books on my lap under the desk in school to read through the day. Charlotte's Web was my first love.
5. My first flute teacher didn’t play flute but she would spend hours a day playing piano for me. Her passion, love, and devotion have been a guiding light to me throughout my life.
6. My dreams influence me and sometimes teach me about myself. They are also crazy and highly entertaining.
7. I envy people who say they are bored. Who has time to be bored?
8. Since I realized I was pregnant I have been a different person. It may be cliché but in a very real and profound way I am changed. I love Ara with a love so fierce it can still shock me.
9. I have always been in awe of Alex’s musical talent.
10. The greatest musical moment in my life was in Lucerne Switzerland playing Maslanka’s Sax Concert. My tears flowed through the entire last movement and it seemed so natural.
11. I am extremely proud that Ara had a drug free birth with midwives in a birth center. I felt empowered and in control. Hospitals are for sick people. I had Ara in a place that celebrates life.
12. When I decided to go sky diving my Dad objected saying, “no daughter of an airplane mechanic jumps out of a perfectly good airplane”. When I left the house to do the jump I backed over the garbage cans.
13. I am terrible with money and if not for online bill pay and emailed reminders I would never pay anything on time. In fact I still really don’t.
14. I am afraid Ara will be like me with money.
15. I have been blogging since 2003. Before I knew it was called blogging.
16. fluteloop.com has been paid for all these years by someone I met online who called herself DragonGirl. I haven’t updated it in over a year because I lost the password.
17. I hardly ever drink.
18. I like to quote Seinfeld but when I do my students look at me blankly.
19. I miss teaching and playing and at the same time I wish that I could keep Ara home with me forever.
20. I don’t keep in touch with anyone. I wish that I wasn’t like that I miss friends who have moved away.
21. Touring Europe was a dream come true for me. I hope I can go back with Ara someday.
22. I want to go back to school.
23. In college I shared a 3 bedroom house with 4-5 girls. They were all Mormon and for the most part I loved living with them. It reminded me of Anne of Green Gables. I didn’t keep in touch with any of them.
24. I am uncomfortable with the subject or religion but I am trying to reconcile myself to it so that I can be some sort of guidance for Ara. I think I’m agnostic.
25. I would like to be a writer someday.