Halloween! I love this holiday. Which one don't I love though? I was planning on taking Ara to the YMCA in the morning dressed as a ballerina and then to the Children museum in the evening as James the Train. We didn't make it to the Y because I was up with her late the night before. She has tummy problems. I got her to sleep around 11:30pm but then I lay awake for HOURS worrying about her and hearing her wake up periodically. So we stayed home for the day. My Mom let me use her car to take Ara to the museum though which was a great relief! I was worrying about taking Ara on a bus that late and walking around in the dark with her. I know.. I am a wimp! But it just doesn't feel safe and I am nervous doing things like that alone. The museum was wonderful. Ara raced from room to room discovering and climbing and laughing. We painted, played trains, learned about sea life, played the drums, saw dinosaurs, and just generally had a dream of a night. Ara was well behaved and a real joy! When we left I let Ara have her one piece of Halloween candy. She was thrilled! I took lots of pictures but very few good pictures! It's a tough balance between participating and recording for posterity. You don't want to miss anything and you don't want to forget anything. Well I don't anyway. You only get one shot at these things... she will never have another Halloween as a three year old. Ahh the pressure. It was a great memory and I feel good knowing that Ara had a great time.