Our car died yesterday in a blaze of glory, literally.
I had my nephew in the car and we were on our way to pick up A and Ara to have lunch when suddenly the AC went hot and smoke started billowing from under the hood and through the vents into the car. I had visions of the car bursting into flames so I was a tad alarmed. I had to wait in the middle of the intersection to turn left, all the while smoking like a campfire. I parked in an empty lot behind a Circle K and took Joey to sit in the shade away from the car. My phone was on it's last little bit of battery but I managed to make 2 phone calls. One to my Mom, who had her phone off. The other to my Dad who was at work. He called my Sister, who was also at work but not too far away. Emily, left work to come get us, I felt bad I had her son out in the Az heat and about the whole explosive car thing! So we were saved but we had to leave the poor purple car behind in mirage-like heat. It looked sad and alone. My Dad was able to look at it last night. The AC compressor locked up and died apparently. So it should run (until the next thing that breaks) but we will no longer have any AC in the car.
Since we had no car this morning, A took a cab to work and I took Ara on her first bus ride! It would have been an easy day to slack off but I wanted to stay on track with the workout. Ara was ecstatic, she has been fascinated by the city bus and she thought it was a great adventure. I was so worried about missing our stop that I got off a stop too early. Which added a pretty long walk to our adventure. As we walked we sang songs and talked about every-single-tiny-thing on the ground. By the time we got to the Y both Ara and I were sweaty and happy to be back inside.
Workout: OMG the treadmill. I hate it. I went 3 miles at a walk/run and I hated it. Hopefully it will be easier tomorrow!