Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

I stumbled across this blog by clicking the "next blog" button on top of my page and it seems like JUST the thing I have been talking about. I am excited to have such a treasure trove of ideas and learning tools at my finger tips to better prepare Ara for Pre-K. I'll post a little explanation. I'm super excited to get started.

Tot School isn't really school at all! Don't let the name confuse you! Tot School is basically a focused time each day on the tot in your family. For those of us with older children that are homeschooled, we often place a lot of emphasis on them while the tots just *play.* This isn't bad, it just didn't work for me. Personally, I felt I was losing valuable 1 on 1 time with my precious tot that I had with my first child since he was the only one then. Tot School is the time each day I spend with him, exposing early learning skills through FUN play. Tot School is not forced, is always fun, sometimes doesn't happen the way I plan, and is always focused on my tot, "Krash."

Audio of Ara talking

This is Ara talking about her drawing. I had to record it just to remember how she uses the word "mama" like it's the normal beginning and end to a sentence! Plus, she has such a sweet little voice and the way she says Triceratops is so cute!



