Last night was the first practice for Ara's Itty Bitty Sports league. When we got to the park I had trouble even getting her to walk with me through the park to join the group. She sped off in every direction except the one I wanted her to go in. I had to pull her off of the play ground and then the second we got withing range of the team she dissolved into a screaming fit where she proclaimed to not want anything. After a while she and I approached the group holding hands and one of the coach's' introduced herself.
Ara screamed.
Coach Lizzy and Coach Dave were kicking soccer balls and the kids would run out and dribble them back to the starting line. We watched a few other kids do this then Ara's name was called.
Ara screamed.
Then we chased the ball out into the field. (still holding hands)
Ara was doing really well kicking it back until coach Dave blocked her path and yelled, "You gotta get by me!"
Ara screamed..
...and ran away.
The rest of the night went pretty much like that but she did warm up and she finally let go of my hand.
Ara would do hilarious "ara" things when she was supposed to be kicking. She would be feet from the goal with a ball and suddenly decide she would rather be running to the swings. Once, she stopped mid-kick to pull up hand fulls of grass and throw them into the air like confetti. She learned how to do spitting raspberries in her team mates face curesy of one bleach blond little boy with an ornery streak in him. She refused to kick any ball except the pink soccer ball. She started pretending to fall flat on her back..
After practice she was completely unwilling to cooperate in anything that meant leaving the now dark park and I had to strap her into her car seat against her will.
While she screamed.
Then she screamed some more.
Then, after she had scarfed down a surprising amount of food, she declared that she would like to do soccer again tomorrow! Haha. It's so hard to keep up.
Go Team Toddler Tigers!