Friday, November 14, 2008

Big Thank You

A chance to say 'thank you' to service men and woman in the military. You don't have to support the politics involved to say thank you to those who are serving. Go write a quick note and it will be displayed on Thanksgiving, ensuring that everyone will have a quick message of appreciation on this holiday!


Today has been long and it's only 5 pm now. This morning I needed to get out of the house so I called my Mom and we ate Japanese food and went to the park. I enjoyed sitting in the damp sand with Ara. Digging my toes in and making a tunnel under a sand mountain made me feel like a kid again. I enjoyed focusing on nothing more than the way sand falls from my hand. We stayed for what felt like a long time then as we were preparing to leave A called to say his Mom's car had broken down. So we rushed over there to save her. It felt better to be on the non-stranded side of that scenario for once. My Dad just picked Ara up to spend the evening while we go to rehearsal. She has been enjoying her time over there but it is taking it's toll on her sleep schedule. But that is what a rehearsal week is like, good but tiring. She is doing well with the potty training. I am still scared to take her places without the diaper though. She tends to get busy and have an accident pretty much anytime we aren't home. I know it will come, so far she has been setting the pace herself. I am proud of her!

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