Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Merry day!
Yesterday we took Ara to Target and I taught her about christmas tree smelling! We are officially in holid
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Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Megan and I saw this for the first time last night as a preview to Twilight. I am so excited to see the movie! Twilight was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it! I'll write more later... too sleepy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Good and Bad Dreams
"The bugs can GET me!"
Ara woke up in the middle of the night and was scared of big ladybugs in her bed....
Last week sometime A, Ara, and I were waiting for a bus in the parking lot of the nearby shopping center. We were going to dinner so it was starting to get dark and the actual bus stop had a bunch of kind of scary people so we were sitting on the cement ledge of a lamp post. I happen to look at the ground and I see a big roach just shuffling along near my foot. I jumped up taking Ara with me. A looked down, saw the roach, and squished it with his shoe.. like it was nothing (and it is nothing to rational people). Ara, of course wanted to know what had happened and I told her it was a big lady bug and it wasn't scary. Clearly I wasn't fooling anyone, least of all her because now she is having bad dreams about terrifying giant lady bugs. She has my lips, my love of art, my interest in nature, and... my irrational fears.
So.. I suck.
Thanksgiving week
A has all of next week off of work and I have been planning elaborate family outings, dreaming of getting everything done around the house, and thinking of a nice Thanksgiving with just our family. I am thrilled that the holiday's are finally here. I get a chill every time I pass the Christmas tree lot on the corner. I am already evaluating all the corners of my tiny living room for Christmas tree worthiness. I want to teach Ara more Christmas songs, and paint ceramic ornaments! I am gushing.. but that is how much I love Christmas~
I have so much to be thankful for especially my little family; Ara and A are my life and cup runneth over with love for them both.
Ara woke up in the middle of the night and was scared of big ladybugs in her bed....
Last week sometime A, Ara, and I were waiting for a bus in the parking lot of the nearby shopping center. We were going to dinner so it was starting to get dark and the actual bus stop had a bunch of kind of scary people so we were sitting on the cement ledge of a lamp post. I happen to look at the ground and I see a big roach just shuffling along near my foot. I jumped up taking Ara with me. A looked down, saw the roach, and squished it with his shoe.. like it was nothing (and it is nothing to rational people). Ara, of course wanted to know what had happened and I told her it was a big lady bug and it wasn't scary. Clearly I wasn't fooling anyone, least of all her because now she is having bad dreams about terrifying giant lady bugs. She has my lips, my love of art, my interest in nature, and... my irrational fears.
So.. I suck.
Thanksgiving week
A has all of next week off of work and I have been planning elaborate family outings, dreaming of getting everything done around the house, and thinking of a nice Thanksgiving with just our family. I am thrilled that the holiday's are finally here. I get a chill every time I pass the Christmas tree lot on the corner. I am already evaluating all the corners of my tiny living room for Christmas tree worthiness. I want to teach Ara more Christmas songs, and paint ceramic ornaments! I am gushing.. but that is how much I love Christmas~
I have so much to be thankful for especially my little family; Ara and A are my life and cup runneth over with love for them both.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Just a Complaining Rant about Yukky Stuff
I'm going crazy. Pee rules my life.
The two may seem unrelated but believe me they are.
Warning: This is a potty training rant, if that grosses you out... don't have kids (or read this)!
Ara keeps tearing her diapers apart while she is in bed and the result is a giant mess of yukky diaper bits and (like this morning) pee soaked sheets, blankets, stuffed animals, and pillows.
Soooo... after bath/showers and breakfast I loaded up the stroller with the soiled bedding and Ara and I walked to the laundromat (and it's 87f today WTH). On the walk home I was feeling like my patience meter was completely depleted. Ara is 3 it's her job to do this to me but I feel like she can't even hear my voice, while I, on the other hand can hear nothing but her whining and demands. When we got home she proceeded to waste all the foam soap in the bathroom (one of her hobbies) and generally make me nuts while I made her bed and tried to get her ready to take her nap. Now I am sitting here and tallying up the total time I spent today cleaning up a pee mess. An hour cleaning up pee covered girl. 3 hours walking to and waiting for the laundromat and another 30 minutes at home re-making a bed and re-sweeping a floor. And now it's nap time (although mostly she is just sitting in there not sleeping) but the whole cycle will begin anew. When I get her up.. there will be a diaper mess on the floor and bedding that needs to be cleaned. I wonder how far off it will be until she can use the toilet at night instead of diapers.
In (semi)unrelated news, I want a Rumba! Actually if I am dreaming I will take a new car and a washing machine as well!
A has work related classes this week and he will be getting home early which makes me feel like I have re-enforcements coming to save me from the adorable, sweet, smart three year old that knows her mama so well she can make her crazyyyyy! Perspective. I need some! And ice cream. And a neck massage.
Ok I'm done whining for now :D
The two may seem unrelated but believe me they are.
Warning: This is a potty training rant, if that grosses you out... don't have kids (or read this)!
Ara keeps tearing her diapers apart while she is in bed and the result is a giant mess of yukky diaper bits and (like this morning) pee soaked sheets, blankets, stuffed animals, and pillows.
Soooo... after bath/showers and breakfast I loaded up the stroller with the soiled bedding and Ara and I walked to the laundromat (and it's 87f today WTH). On the walk home I was feeling like my patience meter was completely depleted. Ara is 3 it's her job to do this to me but I feel like she can't even hear my voice, while I, on the other hand can hear nothing but her whining and demands. When we got home she proceeded to waste all the foam soap in the bathroom (one of her hobbies) and generally make me nuts while I made her bed and tried to get her ready to take her nap. Now I am sitting here and tallying up the total time I spent today cleaning up a pee mess. An hour cleaning up pee covered girl. 3 hours walking to and waiting for the laundromat and another 30 minutes at home re-making a bed and re-sweeping a floor. And now it's nap time (although mostly she is just sitting in there not sleeping) but the whole cycle will begin anew. When I get her up.. there will be a diaper mess on the floor and bedding that needs to be cleaned. I wonder how far off it will be until she can use the toilet at night instead of diapers.
In (semi)unrelated news, I want a Rumba! Actually if I am dreaming I will take a new car and a washing machine as well!
A has work related classes this week and he will be getting home early which makes me feel like I have re-enforcements coming to save me from the adorable, sweet, smart three year old that knows her mama so well she can make her crazyyyyy! Perspective. I need some! And ice cream. And a neck massage.
Ok I'm done whining for now :D
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Big Thank You
A chance to say 'thank you' to service men and woman in the military. You don't have to support the politics involved to say thank you to those who are serving. Go write a quick note and it will be displayed on Thanksgiving, ensuring that everyone will have a quick message of appreciation on this holiday!
Today has been long and it's only 5 pm now. This morning I needed to get out of the house so I called my Mom and we ate Japanese food and went to the park. I enjoyed sitting in the damp sand with Ara. Digging my toes in and making a tunnel under a sand mountain made me feel like a kid again. I enjoyed focusing on nothing more than the way sand falls from my hand. We stayed for what felt like a long time then as we were preparing to leave A called to say his Mom's car had broken down. So we rushed over there to save her. It felt better to be on the non-stranded side of that scenario for once. My Dad just picked Ara up to spend the evening while we go to rehearsal. She has been enjoying her time over there but it is taking it's toll on her sleep schedule. But that is what a rehearsal week is like, good but tiring. She is doing well with the potty training. I am still scared to take her places without the diaper though. She tends to get busy and have an accident pretty much anytime we aren't home. I know it will come, so far she has been setting the pace herself. I am proud of her!
Today has been long and it's only 5 pm now. This morning I needed to get out of the house so I called my Mom and we ate Japanese food and went to the park. I enjoyed sitting in the damp sand with Ara. Digging my toes in and making a tunnel under a sand mountain made me feel like a kid again. I enjoyed focusing on nothing more than the way sand falls from my hand. We stayed for what felt like a long time then as we were preparing to leave A called to say his Mom's car had broken down. So we rushed over there to save her. It felt better to be on the non-stranded side of that scenario for once. My Dad just picked Ara up to spend the evening while we go to rehearsal. She has been enjoying her time over there but it is taking it's toll on her sleep schedule. But that is what a rehearsal week is like, good but tiring. She is doing well with the potty training. I am still scared to take her places without the diaper though. She tends to get busy and have an accident pretty much anytime we aren't home. I know it will come, so far she has been setting the pace herself. I am proud of her!
Toilet Seat Necklace
The thoughts that bounce around an impulsive three year old's head are so incomprehensible! This morning Ara decided to push this toilet seat over her head and it got stuck. She panicked and flailed at me when ever I tried to get close to her. She kept pulling and pulling and hurting her little ears. She was working herself into quite a respectable hysteria when I decided I would have to intervene even if she didn't want me to. I had to pin her down on the couch (to stop her from kicking me). I tried different angles but in the end I had to resort to yanking it off of her poor little head. No lasting damage and HOPEFULLY she will think twice about putting toilet seats over her head in the future, but I doubt it. Even after yesterday's fall I have still had to put her in time out for jumping on the couch today.. twice.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Head Bonks
Is it contagious?
Concussions and head injuries are not contagious, although the risk-taking behavior that leads to them can be.
One little monkey (Ara) jumping on the bed (couch), she fell off and bonked her head.
Her Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, "no more Aras' jumping on the bed".
I had to look up concussion symptoms today after Ara hit her head on the tile and had an instant bump poking out of her soft curls. She was fine but it was a pretty bad "bonk" and I was worried. The quote is from the site I looked up for concussions I just thought it was a funny question.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
My head hurts so I will write more tomorrow. Happy park pictures from today :)
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Saturday and a Rant
Today was my favorite day of the week. My day of teaching where I get to leave the house alone for a few hours AND I get to play flute. Unfortunately I had a few set backs on this particular Saturday.. missed my bus, was an hour late, forgot my flute, last minute cancel from a student. Ah well.. next Saturday will be better... maybe...
I did want to talk a little about my voting experience. I have to admit that I really had no intention to vote in this election. I had planned to go on living in political ignorance and I planned to be perfectly happy about that. There were a few things that prodded me to care.. I have responsible and enthusiastic friends, several You Tube videos, TONS of facebook pressure, and my own conscience (finally.. I knew that thing would show up one day). As the day approached I began to wonder what I should do about Ara while I voted. I googled it and came accross a few articles that promoted taking children with you to the polls. I liked the idea of introducing Ara to the concept of voting and I liked the idea of being a good role model (for once). My Mom agreed to go with and keep her busy so it was decided and executed and all was well! I do have to take a moment to complain about the smoking. I know.. I complain about smoke fairly often but I just don't understand how it is that I had to gulp down clouds of smoke while waiting in line to vote. This issue has been making me crazy lately. Since I am now dependant on the charity of my friends and family and the wonder that is public transportation I have been smoked on quite a lot. I stoped asking my Mom for rides after she lit up in the car with my daughter in the back seat. I was outraged. Flashbacks of a second hand smoke filled childhood flashed before my eyes and I vowed to ride the bus so that I could keep Ara's life smoke free. My Sister has smoked in the car as well. The bus? Well of course, no one can smoke while ON the bus but it is impossible to breath clean air while waiting anywhere near a bus stop. It makes me angry. When I was in high school I wrote a manifesto outlining a plan to force all smokers to wear a bubble that would contain their air pollution. The could smoke and smoke and smoke but all of the pollution would be in their bubble. I planned to designate dumping stations outside of city limits where the bubble-head smokers could go to 'dump' thier smoke. I modeled the whole manifesto after something I had read... I can't remember what it was though.. something about babies that was awful but intended to shock and make a point. My daughter should have the right to breath non-tobacco air and when she is queen of America it shall be so....
Where was I?
Oh right.. voting. So I went, I voted, I got a sticker, and I felt pretty good about myself.
I tried to explain voting to Ara by telling her that this was a special way that I got to tell people what I thought was important. I asked her what was important to her and she said 'hippos, water, penguins' so there you have it. Enviroment issues and saving habitas for animals are close to Ara's heart!
I did want to talk a little about my voting experience. I have to admit that I really had no intention to vote in this election. I had planned to go on living in political ignorance and I planned to be perfectly happy about that. There were a few things that prodded me to care.. I have responsible and enthusiastic friends, several You Tube videos, TONS of facebook pressure, and my own conscience (finally.. I knew that thing would show up one day). As the day approached I began to wonder what I should do about Ara while I voted. I googled it and came accross a few articles that promoted taking children with you to the polls. I liked the idea of introducing Ara to the concept of voting and I liked the idea of being a good role model (for once). My Mom agreed to go with and keep her busy so it was decided and executed and all was well! I do have to take a moment to complain about the smoking. I know.. I complain about smoke fairly often but I just don't understand how it is that I had to gulp down clouds of smoke while waiting in line to vote. This issue has been making me crazy lately. Since I am now dependant on the charity of my friends and family and the wonder that is public transportation I have been smoked on quite a lot. I stoped asking my Mom for rides after she lit up in the car with my daughter in the back seat. I was outraged. Flashbacks of a second hand smoke filled childhood flashed before my eyes and I vowed to ride the bus so that I could keep Ara's life smoke free. My Sister has smoked in the car as well. The bus? Well of course, no one can smoke while ON the bus but it is impossible to breath clean air while waiting anywhere near a bus stop. It makes me angry. When I was in high school I wrote a manifesto outlining a plan to force all smokers to wear a bubble that would contain their air pollution. The could smoke and smoke and smoke but all of the pollution would be in their bubble. I planned to designate dumping stations outside of city limits where the bubble-head smokers could go to 'dump' thier smoke. I modeled the whole manifesto after something I had read... I can't remember what it was though.. something about babies that was awful but intended to shock and make a point. My daughter should have the right to breath non-tobacco air and when she is queen of America it shall be so....
Where was I?
Oh right.. voting. So I went, I voted, I got a sticker, and I felt pretty good about myself.
I tried to explain voting to Ara by telling her that this was a special way that I got to tell people what I thought was important. I asked her what was important to her and she said 'hippos, water, penguins' so there you have it. Enviroment issues and saving habitas for animals are close to Ara's heart!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
TSO Just For Kids
On Saturday A and I took Ara to her first concert (being a musician, that is embarrassing). When we got there and I saw that they had a carpet area for the kids to sit and I began preparing for the worst. I was having flashbacks to story time at the library and Ara running around while I try to catch her and lots of my butt on display.
Before the concert there were a few older kids (probably siblings) wrestling on the ground. It was pretty benign stuff and probably common enough that the parents were ignoring it. Ara was riveted, she stood there starring. She has never played rough with other kids. To be honest it was probably the first time she was really seeing this sort of behavior. After a few moments she decided to join in... there were three kids piled on top of each other and Ara went up to them.. and pile-drivered them. She brought one of the kids to tears and all three of the boys jumped up so as to avoid further injury from her. Ara seemed pretty pleased with herself and not at all sorry. I rushed up to her and tried to explain that she had hurt the boy and she agreed to apologize but we couldn't find him again.
All in all this rocky start did nothing to assuage my trepidation. I picked a spot on the floor as the musicians came in and to my surprise Ara jumped into my lap. She sat quietly through the introductions and as the music started she put her arms around me. Ara was enthrolled. She listended intently and applauded enthusiastically. The perfect audience.
For about 15 minutes.
Then she asked me politely if she could go out, she had to use the bathroom.
So we did. Maybe next time we can stay for 16 mintues! I was so proud of her behavior and it was a good reminder for me to expect more because she is growing up each day.
Before the concert there were a few older kids (probably siblings) wrestling on the ground. It was pretty benign stuff and probably common enough that the parents were ignoring it. Ara was riveted, she stood there starring. She has never played rough with other kids. To be honest it was probably the first time she was really seeing this sort of behavior. After a few moments she decided to join in... there were three kids piled on top of each other and Ara went up to them.. and pile-drivered them. She brought one of the kids to tears and all three of the boys jumped up so as to avoid further injury from her. Ara seemed pretty pleased with herself and not at all sorry. I rushed up to her and tried to explain that she had hurt the boy and she agreed to apologize but we couldn't find him again.
All in all this rocky start did nothing to assuage my trepidation. I picked a spot on the floor as the musicians came in and to my surprise Ara jumped into my lap. She sat quietly through the introductions and as the music started she put her arms around me. Ara was enthrolled. She listended intently and applauded enthusiastically. The perfect audience.
For about 15 minutes.
Then she asked me politely if she could go out, she had to use the bathroom.
So we did. Maybe next time we can stay for 16 mintues! I was so proud of her behavior and it was a good reminder for me to expect more because she is growing up each day.
I Hope You Wore a Belt.
Disclaimer: This turned into a wall-o-text about parenting. Well it's really just a stream of consciousness straight from the mind of a tired mama. This is more for me to read than boring the pants off of you so don't worry if you lose interest on the second sentence!
Ara and I are working on 'owning the problem' with her fits and there has been much improvement. I have been working on planning ahead so as to take advantage of her 'good' hours for boring errands and activities that require her to have patience. I am more decisive about consequences and (trying) to stick to the rules I lay down for her. Ideally if I am consistent she will have a better idea of what to expect when she does certain things. This is the part of parenting that is so hard.. no matter what misbehavior your kid is exhibiting.. it's probably YOUR fault. So, there you are... frustrated with the behavior and frustrated with yourself for not preventing it more effectively. I better clean up my act! I'm not actually suggesting that I can stop a 3 year old tantrum cycle.. I know better than that! But I have been able to significantly shorten them and squash them before they become giant blow-out-worse-day-of-my life fits. I have to remind myself that she is my first priority without giving her the impression that everything revolves around her. Oh the balance. I just get so focused on day to day things. Like.. doing the dishes, such an important task, I couldn't possible stop now and then to listen to her tell me about her ponies sisters and their adventures could I? Dishes can wait. Sweeping can wait. Spills can be cleaned. I can have patience and remember that everything else comes second to her. I have such a hard time MAKING her do things. Like.. walk past the swings and go to soccer practice. I was reading a chapter on cooperation and it was talking about the difference between obeying and cooperating. In many instances I have been thinking I was asking her to cooperate but really I was expecting her to obey. I think if I work harder at cooperating and directing her instead of trying to command I will see better results. She wants to be a helper but her instincts will always be to resist when she feels like I am being a dictator. I know it's a fine line.. several of my family members have chimed in about discipline. I am just not great with being a disciplinarian, it's not in my nature. However, I DO agree that I need to follow through with whatever consequence I have set up for her. So I need to put a little more thought into my threats if I want her to believe I am not full of crap. Haha. That's why my eyes are so BROWN! I am pretty notorious for saying, "Ara, if you act like that I will put your pony on restriction (which means I will take it away for the day)." Then I give her like 50,000,000 more tries before I actually do it. My parents spanked us when we were bad. Not much strategy there. Without the physical fall back plan I think parenting requires you to be more on your game. I won't ever hit her because I think it sends the wrong message. I read once that every decision you make as a parent should be in line with the kind of adult you want your child to grow into. What skills will I teach her to deal with the world when she is on her own? Through my words and actions I can either give her the self confidence and knowledge that she can solve any problem with patience and kindness or I can teach her that force is the answer and the strongest arm rules the world. I want her to know her own mind and to believe that her feelings and thoughts are valid and important. I want her to know she has the right to speak up. I want her to believe in the power of words and communication. It's a lot of pressure. When I think of the WEEKs we took to choose her name and now I have to make decisions that will effect her in a much more profound way. I just decided.. parenting is a hard job! Wow.
Ara and I are working on 'owning the problem' with her fits and there has been much improvement. I have been working on planning ahead so as to take advantage of her 'good' hours for boring errands and activities that require her to have patience. I am more decisive about consequences and (trying) to stick to the rules I lay down for her. Ideally if I am consistent she will have a better idea of what to expect when she does certain things. This is the part of parenting that is so hard.. no matter what misbehavior your kid is exhibiting.. it's probably YOUR fault. So, there you are... frustrated with the behavior and frustrated with yourself for not preventing it more effectively. I better clean up my act! I'm not actually suggesting that I can stop a 3 year old tantrum cycle.. I know better than that! But I have been able to significantly shorten them and squash them before they become giant blow-out-worse-day-of-my life fits. I have to remind myself that she is my first priority without giving her the impression that everything revolves around her. Oh the balance. I just get so focused on day to day things. Like.. doing the dishes, such an important task, I couldn't possible stop now and then to listen to her tell me about her ponies sisters and their adventures could I? Dishes can wait. Sweeping can wait. Spills can be cleaned. I can have patience and remember that everything else comes second to her. I have such a hard time MAKING her do things. Like.. walk past the swings and go to soccer practice. I was reading a chapter on cooperation and it was talking about the difference between obeying and cooperating. In many instances I have been thinking I was asking her to cooperate but really I was expecting her to obey. I think if I work harder at cooperating and directing her instead of trying to command I will see better results. She wants to be a helper but her instincts will always be to resist when she feels like I am being a dictator. I know it's a fine line.. several of my family members have chimed in about discipline. I am just not great with being a disciplinarian, it's not in my nature. However, I DO agree that I need to follow through with whatever consequence I have set up for her. So I need to put a little more thought into my threats if I want her to believe I am not full of crap. Haha. That's why my eyes are so BROWN! I am pretty notorious for saying, "Ara, if you act like that I will put your pony on restriction (which means I will take it away for the day)." Then I give her like 50,000,000 more tries before I actually do it. My parents spanked us when we were bad. Not much strategy there. Without the physical fall back plan I think parenting requires you to be more on your game. I won't ever hit her because I think it sends the wrong message. I read once that every decision you make as a parent should be in line with the kind of adult you want your child to grow into. What skills will I teach her to deal with the world when she is on her own? Through my words and actions I can either give her the self confidence and knowledge that she can solve any problem with patience and kindness or I can teach her that force is the answer and the strongest arm rules the world. I want her to know her own mind and to believe that her feelings and thoughts are valid and important. I want her to know she has the right to speak up. I want her to believe in the power of words and communication. It's a lot of pressure. When I think of the WEEKs we took to choose her name and now I have to make decisions that will effect her in a much more profound way. I just decided.. parenting is a hard job! Wow.
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween! I love this holiday. Which one don't I love though? I was planning on taking Ara to the YMCA in the morning dressed as a ballerina and then to the Children museum in the evening as James the Train. We didn't make it to the Y because I was up with her late the night before. She has tummy problems. I got her to sleep around 11:30pm but then I lay awake for HOURS worrying about her and hearing her wake up periodically. So we stayed home for the day. My Mom let me use her car to take Ara to the museum though which was a great relief! I was worrying about taking Ara on a bus that late and walking around in the dark with her. I know.. I am a wimp! But it just doesn't feel safe and I am nervous doing things like that alone. The museum was wonderful. Ara raced from room to room discovering and climbing and laughing. We painted, played trains, learned about sea life, played the drums, saw dinosaurs, and just generally had a dream of a night. Ara was well behaved and a real joy! When we left I let Ara have her one piece of Halloween candy. She was thrilled! I took lots of pictures but very few good pictures! It's a tough balance between participating and recording for posterity. You don't want to miss anything and you don't want to forget anything. Well I don't anyway. You only get one shot at these things... she will never have another Halloween as a three year old. Ahh the pressure. It was a great memory and I feel good knowing that Ara had a great time.
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