Ara has been so moody lately I feel like I am starting to wish I could turn off my ears at will. The fits.. oh the fits.
Tomorrow I have the whole morning filled up so that I can keep her busy until nap time. That's the plan.. diversionary tactics. YMCA and then the library. I am excited about the library because one of the books I have on reserve is in, Dan Brown the Davinci Code. I wish Eclipse was in I am DYING to continue the Twilight series but paying $20 for a book I will read in 2 days tops seems wasteful.
This weekend I came up with a strict budget plan and we have been trying to change our thinking and spending habits. So, borrowing the book from the library is in line with being thrifty. Unfortunately I am not a patient person by nature! Let's hope Dan Brown keeps me occupied for a bit. I am like #94 on the reserve list so it could be a while. I just had a thought while I paused to think.. how ironic. I have been trying to think of ways to remind myself to live green. I want to think about wasting less, recycling more, and being creative in reusing. So, while I paused to think I realized I could look to see if the library has a book on being green!
Oh, while I am on that subject... I was watching You Tube's National Geographic channel the other day and there was an episode about sharks. We have brought the entire species of sharks to the brink of extinction (as we do with all large predatory animals). The documentary blamed game fishing and commercial fishing for foods such as shark fin soup. Damn the Asians and their shark fin soup! I thought that sounded a tad strange.. I have never been offered shark fin soup and I'm Asian so I'm positive I have all the facts.. you know.. because I'm brown and stuff. Sorry I should filter my thoughts... Anyway I was sitting there watching this video feeling all righteous because for once I can say that I am not part of the problem. I don't eat seafood. But then I thought about how I eat meat in place of eating seafood and there are probably several species that have suffered so that meat farmers could clear land and raise meat. Then I thought about becoming a vegetarian so that I could clear my conscience... and of course I came full circle, thinking of the acres and acres of land cleared for agriculture. So what is the answer? Depopulation I guess.. how very bleak.
I'm done... but I still feel sad for the sharks. Apparently the perfect predator, the shark hasn't changed since before the dinosaurs were alive... that's right.. before I was alive! Harhar. So funny with the "I'm old" jokes right?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
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