Ara and I borrowed the Curious George movie from the library last week and she is very pro- "kurris George" now. I've been reading her Curious George stories for bedtime and her favorite story is one where George follows a duck to the park and finds a dump truck. He also sees a family sitting on a blanket in the park eating a picnic. So dump trucks and picnics have been her favorite topics lately! Tonight we took her to the park to have a picnic, she was ecstatic. The poor kid has recently grown and she can barley run 5 feet without tripping on nothing and sprawling head first into the grass. I'm so glad she inherited my ears and lack of grace... Ara doesn't let it slow her down though, she shakes it off and runs another 5 feet. She wasn't thrilled with the part of the "picnic" where she had to actually sit and eat though. It was like pure torture to her that we forced her to eat a bread stick before she ran off. She plays a little on the slides and enjoys throwing her red ball around a bit but mostly she just likes to run. She is pretty fast too, her little legs are a blur of motion as she sprints in one direction, falls, then as something else catches her eye she rushes off in another direction. She always gives off a feeling of pure joy as she plays though and it fills my heart up to watch her smile and laugh and even fall. Personally, I think she is pretty great even if she is impossible to take a picture of!
I don't know why I'm still awake, I feel like I have a flu or something and I need to close my eyes.
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