Monday, August 18, 2008

Plastic bags and dead bugs

I just did the grocery shopping for the week and I'm feeling guilty about using plastic grocery bags.

Are Plastic Grocery Bags Sacking the Environment?

My dinner plan this week:

(it's hard to type with my cut finger /whine)

Monday: Spaghetti
Tuesday: Roast Beef (yay Crockpot)
Wednesday: Tacos
Thursday: Stew
Friday: out

I'm not feeling well, hopefully I just need a little r&r and I will be as good as new. The last two weeks have been so busy that a lot of things have been getting shoved aside. Things like.. sleep and working out! Today is catch up day, I already filled the fridge with food for the week, I need to clean the house, write the bills on the bill board, and give Ara a bath. That will free up the week so that I can get in morning workouts, return library books, update and have my business cards printed, and focus on potty training with Ara. She has made some progress but I feel like I need to make it a priority so that we can be done with it (woots for no more diapers!). I wish there was an easy button for this because I feel like a dork noob.

The studio I use for lessons on the northwest side of town has expanded. There is now a counter set up in the lobby area for instrumental rentals. I'm really glad to see that Mike, the owner has found a way to supplement because it has been slow for him with students. I love teaching in the space, it's roomy and the location is convenient for my students. I am hoping I can pick up a few new students with the school year starting. I would love to add another day of teaching. I'm also thinking of returning to Flute Club. I need to play more before I forget how! Soon I will only be able to qualify as a flute holder....

David Finko, the composer of the pic concerto I premiered last spring sent me a recording of another soloist playing his arrangement with piano. In some ways I preferred the piano accompaniment because the scoring with the orchestra made balance difficult in the mid range. Still I think overall the orchestral accompaniment offered more interest as far as textures and colors. The piece will be performed my Mimi Stillman this fall! I'm excited about that, I hope David sends me a recording so that I can compare myself and feel utterly inadequate... wait what?

Ara just brought me a dead beetle... she dropped it into my hand and asked me what it was. Gross. What is the purpose of all the tiny beetles....

Well on that note (dead bug) I will stop typing!

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