My thoughts are now being posted HERE. Trying out a blog engine that is supposed to (somewhere down the road, around the bend, over the hill) make my life easier. We shall see.
3/20/06~ 9:30 PM
These pictures were taken last Thursday. It was my Dad's Birthday so we dressed Ara in her special party outfit. It was too cute for words. So my sister set up a little photoshoot and Ara was delighted. She loved everyone standing around admiring her and she really hammed it up! Anyway these are the pictures from our camera. My sister took just as many with her's so this moment was well documented! Ara is eating bananas this week and she seems to really like them. Time seems to fly when you think about your children's development. It seems like just yesterday she was a tiny infant and now she is getting ready to crawl and trying so hard to talk! I seriously think about her going off to college all of the time. She has outgrown all of her 0-6 month clothes and I keep meaning to give them away but I can't yet! I keep picking out outfits and remembering some wonderful day when she wore them. Her memory box is already full... what is a Mother to do? We have started trying to teach her sign language. It's a tiny bit early but I figure it can't hurt to just show her the signs. I would love a little insight into that bright little brain.
"The white color is due to the fact that the main ingredient is sock lint, which combines with dead skin, dirt and bacteria. Black, blue and other sock-colored cheeses are common in people who dress a little nicer. "
~Rich Maloof
Even when your life is a swirling mass of scary you can come across something that sneaks up on you and makes you smile. Whenever that happens I feel comforted.
Yes, that is the same dress! Made by my Great Grandmother for me when I was a baby. I had no idea what to do with it all these years and then suddenly.. I have a daughter and she is just the right size! Actually my sister dressed Ara and took a bunch of photos of her in it. When I arrived she already had the two pictures up on her screen. I could never really see the similarities in our features until now. I've shown this picture to my whole family and everyone always says, " so they are YOUR ears!" then they laugh lol. So they are. So they are. Oh by the way Ara is on the left. She is eating solid food now and talking and just generally filling our lives with happiness and sunshine!
Go ahead.. give her your heart.
Ara is 6 months old now and she is bursting with personality. She loves to laugh and talk (babble). One of our guilty pleasures is dancing together to corny pop songs. She seems to really like the song with Ashley S. and Missy E. (no idea at ALL of the spelling) I actually don't know the title but they spell out LOVE a lot. Ahem.. lol. Every morning we try to catch Charlie and Lola on Playhouse Disney. It's the cutest thing ever. On TV that is because Ara holds that title in life of course. Umm.. what else.. (looks at the ceiling lost in though).. The End.
I'm feeling a little stressed this week. I have my annual student recital this Saturday and I still have so much to do before I am ready. It is so much work to pull this thing off each year and I always think how much easier it would be if I was the sort of person who was.. organized! The other thing sort of weighing on my mind is having enough milk for Ara while my Mom watches her on Saturday. Getting stressed about that particular issue is very VERY counter productive. (takes a deep breath) I sometimes catch myself thinking about how Ara is almost 6 months now and she will be eating solids very soon and I think for a second, "what a relief". Then I feel sort of sad and achey. All this time I thought I was just "getting through" breastfeeding and now I realize how much I will miss the closeness I feel. Sure it's really hard with working and sometimes it would be nice to come home and relax for a second instead of being "on tap" as we call it. But, there is nothing like the feeling. I know some people find breastfeeding gross and awkward. I admit I was among the population who felt very uncomfortable around breastfeeding Moms.
It's been forever since I updated this although I am constantly thinking of topics to write about. I spent every free second I got today (not many) working on a new css for this site. It hasn't gone well. Ara has discovered she has a love for banging on the keyboard so sitting with her on my lap is out now. That's a big blow to my productivity considering I can only sit here now if she is asleep or otherwise occupied. Anyway, it's been sort of a long day I have been feeling sick for 3 days now and not getting enough sleep. Ara must be feeling sicky too because she is grumpy grumpy grumpy. I just pulled the pictures off of the camera from Friday and today and I look just awful. Why is it when I look in the mirror I don't see the huge bags under my eyes or how hideous I am? SOooo, I won't be posting any of those pictures lol. I will put up a few of baby girl playing this morning in her big-space-eating play thing. She is asleep for the moment so (cross your fingers) I will try to get some sleep in too.
One last parting though.. if you don't have kids yet enjoy your sleep! Seriously, cherish it while you can!
Grandma on the left and Great Grandma on the right. Sometimes I adore her so much it is actually physically exhausting. She is perfection, I can't take my eyes off of her!
I must sleep...
Going on the 6th hour of crying baby. She is trying to mpk us!
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