Monday, April 07, 2008

Ara Update

I haven't really posted about Ara's development lately so I thought I would just put up a list of sorts.

  • She has been able to count to 1 1 in English and 10 in Spanish for a while now.
  • She has mastered all the basic colors.
  • When she draws she has amazing control.  She drew two small circles and told me they were glasses. 
  • She can build impressive structures with legos and blocks.
  • She is very communicative with her feelings.  When strangers talk to her she usually tells them that she is a little scared and that she is shy!
  • She can tell you her name and age.
  • She knows the words to several songs and sings constantly.

Today Ara said the most hilarious thing!  She said she had "diaper crash"!  We are working on potty training and she is wearing the pull up diapers.  The pull ups are significantly more expensive than the regular kind and Ara likes to take them off for no reason and throw them away.  Last week she took off her pants and diapers, put on her dress shoes and a santa hat and came walking into the living room as proud as she could be!


We are in the process of moving and Ara is very excited about her new room.  I just hope she will sleep in it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, nice to see you are out there. Just looking up the crew. Ara is so cute! Take care of yourself.



