Hi, I'm old.
Don't worry, my cholesterol is good and I still seem able to get up after I fall down. But, I am definitely old. I know it's not politically correct to declare this within earshot of people who are numerically older than me. I know this, and yet I am declaring it on the web (where I assume people older than me serf). I have been thinking about how super old I will be when Ara goes to high school. My parents were much younger when they had me. When my Mom was my age I was already 10! Ara is going to make me drop her off a block from the movie theatre, I just know it.
I have even suddenly seen the wisdom in minivans.
The list:
The diet starts tomorrow. Carbs Be-GONE!
Try to make Ara's some baby food from fresh ingredients.
Practice the Ginastera piece.
Lucy is pregnant, I know I shouldn't be excited.. but I am! We will be making reservations at the hermitage No-Kill Shelter for the kittens.
Ara Update:
She is SOOOO close to crawling! She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth.
She can officially roll both directions.
Every time she sees the cat she says a specific word. I think that might mean cat in her language.
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