Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dear Blogger,

It’s over between us.  We were good together but I have to move on.  Wordpress offers me more control and you know I need that. 

It’s not you. 

It’s me. 

I’m moving to with a wordpress blog and I know I will be happy. 

I wish you the best, you were always good to me.




Friday, April 17, 2009

My dinner date!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The darkest hour is upon us all!

How amazing does this movie look? I am so excited! I remember seeing the first trailer before Twilight and as excited as I was to see that movie it was nothing compared to how much I am anticipating Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!


The world's first collaborative online orchestra performed at Carnegie Hall on April 15, 2009.

It has been really interesting watching this cutting edge idea unfold on You Tube. I enjoyed watching the audition and introduction videos made by the musicians. I wish more orchestras would feature their members in a prominent way, and I don't mean the sterile biography! I watched this hour long performance and browsed the comments which were from a wide range of YT users.

"great out of this world....IDEA thank to all stars"
"omg 1 hour... WHO DOES IT WATCH?OMG :D"

I wonder if there is a plan to hold another collaboration. At that point it might be a tad more competitive after all this publicity! I wish I hadn't procrastinated making a video. Not that I think I would have won but at least I could say I tried! I told my students about it, I thought it was a more of a youth orchestra and I imagined my video being ridiculed! It takes courage to put a video of yourself playing out there for all to judge. In an audition it's between you and the people behind the screen. If you fail spectacularly it can be your own little secret!

This makes me think of a grown up honor band...

Congratulations to all involved!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More on Susan Boyle.

Every time I watch it I cry. I wonder how she will top that!

We have sky


View of the desert sky taken last weekend from the car.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Goose Bumps


It’s never too late to seize the dream!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!~

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Woman Attacked by Cuteness I mean Polar Bears

A polar bear attacked a women at the Berlin Zoo after she climbed a fence and jumped into its habitat during feeding time.

Sometimes things don't turn out the way you planned I suppose?

I guess she miscalculated when she put on her essence of seal perfume that morning.

Joking aside though, what is the purpose of the bear form really. I know that seems stupid and it's not really a well thought out question but bears seem so fluffy and cute. You know, when they aren't attacking you. I mean why the big floppy paws and cute little faces? I look at a predator like a shark and I can appreciate a well designed hunter. More importantly I DO NOT feel an urge to hug it. But look at a polar bear... it's cute! Anyway, moral of the story is don't scale walls and jump into polar bear moats. I hope they don't blame the bears for this one like that poor cat in the San Diego zoo a few years back.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

People can't want what they want

I spent all day looking for a new (used) car to replace our Camry that has now become the shining beacon of pristine used car-ness that no other car will live up to. I have been looking on Craigs list and it seems every "good" deal I find is a crock. The old saying holds true, If it's looks too good to be true, it probably is. I never knew so many salvaged cars were out there masquerading as "excellent condition" cars. If I wanted a car with a salvage title I would run back and buy our Camry. I feel extra tired today. The good news is that my neck and shoulder seem to be healing. I am still all "crackly" though. If I straighten my back or move my neck around I hear pops and creaks. But if I don't do extra wiggling I am feeling ok. I was even able to pick Ara up to see over the rails at the zoo yesterday.

We had a play date with an old friend of mine from school and her 3 year old daughter. Ara was in heaven, having someone her age to hang out with. She even defended her new friend... a little boy was chasing her so Ara pushed him down. I don't condone her actions of course, but I understand her little logic. She was sad when I scolded her for it and had her do a time out. She really tries so hard to do the right thing, I hate to correct her when she feels so grown up and proud of herself. On Monday I took her to the park and she yelled at a jogger, "No running in the street!" Today I put her step stool in front of the kitchen sink and she did the dishes. Which is mostly playing with water, soup, and scrubbing brushes. Before I could stop her she drained my entire bottle of organic dish soap. She turned to me and said, "mama look what I made!" So happy and proud of her sink full of ultra soapy water. What a character!

Hopefully we will make a car decision soon. I need to put this whole thing behind me, I am dreaming cars and accidents and STRESS.

I will have zoo pictures just as soon as I unload them from the camera.... Oh and I had dinner with my high school band director from California! That was pretty awesome possum.

Sleep time.

I leave you with a quote from a recent library pick, Six-word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak.

"People can't want what they want."
~Dr. Drew Pinksy

Monday, April 06, 2009

Taking time to play~

Last week was so doom and gloom, with the accident, injuries, and the insurance drama. So today I decided to just get out of the house. Ara needed a day of sunshine and running so much and it made me feel good to see her cheeks flushed with exercise and happiness. We walked to the park with the princess carriage loaded up with Ara’s tricycle, helmet, bouncy ball, water (it was hot today!), and strawberries to munch. It was a good day.

I received information in the mail from the Montessori preschool I was interested in. I was so excited because the website for the school says it is a charter school, meaning free tuition but it turns out only K-5th grade are free. Preschool is NOT free, in fact it would cost more than our rent per month. Plus they run on semesters like the school district and they are a month away from summer break. I feel discouraged. I think she would really benefit from a few hours a day in preschool. She is so smart and active and she is dying to play with kids her age. Between the car fiasco (buy a car, drive for a week, get smashed by a reckless driver, tons of out of pocket fees) and looking at these astronomical tuition rates I feel trapped by the almighty dollar. I keep thinking if only I could contribute the extra money we could do this for her. The school sessions are only 3 hours in the morning. Not really enough time to have a job. I think it’s time to put some effort into building my studio up again. She is just growing so fast I feel like the clock is ticking and I need to get everything just right. There are no “do-overs” in parenting!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

The joy in learning

Foam letters in a craft store create preschooler frienzy!

Ara takes so much joy in knowing all of her letters. We are working with her on knowing both the upper and lower cases and introducing small words. She is a cute little learning sponge with a pony tail and a too small shirt!

Favorite Shoes!~



Here is a little factoid about me you may not know; I have funny feet.  I walk on the outsides of my feet, I have the Filipino shuffle going on, and I’m convinced they are more flipper than foot.  I’m ok with it, it’s part of who I am but until recently I thought I also had to accept that all shoes would be uncomfortable.  Not so!  Says the pretty shoe in the picture.  Salomon Woman’s trail running shoes.  The actual model I have are a little different but I couldn’t find a picture, this is close enough.  This shoe, is my new favorite shoe.  I expect shoes to hurt when they are new.  I’ve accepted that as a fact of life.  But these shoes felt wonderful from the first day.  So, for all of my fellow weird footers out there.. don’t give up!  And to the shoe fairies THANKS!


Saturday, April 04, 2009


Picture 004

Ara told me I was a monkey.  I said she looked like a banana and asked if she was yummy.  She said, “no, I’m too hard and yucky”! 

The photo is a shot I took back in October.  Beautiful old pueblo style window framed with leaves. 

I feel artistically blocked.  I am trying to design a new site template for Wordpress now that I have control of my domain but I am drawing a blank.  I wish I could remember my dream design (literally saw it in a dream).. I saw it so clearly a few weeks ago but now it’s poof!  It’s been so long since I had so much freedom and I don’t know what to do with it!

We went to Target tonight and found some really cute Easter basket fillers.  We looked at the actual basket selection and both A and I agreed that there was no point in buying a cheap wicker basket or in buying an over priced character basket that would only be used for one year.  Phlox Flex Tote - Purple/ Pink Assorted (S)So we went to the home section and found a pink plastic tote that is perfect and only $2.99.  A picked out some super cute new socks and panties for her and I grabbed a dozen plastic eggs.  A Sesame Street book, toy truck, and we finally caved and got her another Fur Berrie.  She has been asking for Blue Berry Bear since December, except she calls it “booboo fairy”. 

Quick update on GoDaddy.  You can now upgrade your account from IIS6 to IIS7 without deleting your account.   It’s a simple setting change.  Be warned though, you cannot downgrade once you make the jump to 7.  After I upgraded I successfully installed wordpress through the GoDaddy interface with no problems. 

I recently used GoDaddy to transfer a domain into my name but I neglected to update the whois information and when the old owner complained, GoDaddy charged me a $10 fee to process that complaint (by process I mean email me about the fee).  I need to learn not to take things for granted… I didn’t see this one coming at all.  I assumed the info would be updated once it was added to my account.  Mistakes will cost you… be warned.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

My old 280 z (32 years old)

This was the first car I bought for myself. I paid $400 because the owner was an old air force buddy of my Dad's. Originally the car was for his teenage daughter, but she left to live with her Mom so I won! When I got the z it had been sitting for over a year and the inside had a fresh(ish) coat of black paint and thick pink house carpet. The original owner had sprayed every surface pink! A and I re carpeted the car and installed speakers in the back. We worked for hours on end doing everything ourselves. College students on summer break with no money but lots of time! We even managed to get the paint shiny (in most places) by buffing off the paint oxidation. Lots of work! My z treated me well. It had well over 200,000 miles on it but it ran like a champ. I loved it. The only problem was that it was so old and the parts were hard to find and expensive. After a few years I gave it to my Dad to work on as a hobby and had to move on. Mostly because I couldn't bear the thought of selling it. That's how it goes with our first car loves isn't it?

It has been collecting dust in my Dad's garage for years now, but he is moving soon so today he rolled it out. Right after the z saw sunlight the garbage collection came by and the driver leaned out the window wanting to know if it was for sale! I'm telling you, everyone wants the z because it's so obviously made of win. My Dad probably will sell it. So my car heart is breaking twice this month.

The z and the camry... good cars are so hard to find.

I tried to go motrin free last night. I woke up in tears from the pain. But before I woke up I was having the strangest dreams where my shoulder and neck hurt. I wish I could blog my dream world.

My unconcious is so entertaining!


Wednesday, April 01, 2009


The last time we went to the library Ara picked up Spot loves school by Eric Hill and asked to check it out. Since then it has been a bedtime favorite. It's a board book with very minimal words so I usually embellish and ask Ara questions about what she thinks the characters are doing. Spot is a dog, he has three friends; a hippo, crocodile, and a monkey. On one of the pages all the animals are lined up at school with their lunch boxes, and our conversation went like this;

Me: What does Spot have in his lunch box?
Ara: Yogurt balls
Me: What does monkey have?
Ara: A banana.
Me: And hippo?
Ara: Grapes.
Me: What about crocodile?

I liked that all the kids/animals had healthy snacks (yogurt balls are close enough) and I thought the steak bit was hilarious.

Yucky Lizard

I have been so stressed and cooped up the past couple of days I feel like I am going out of my mind. So I am going to focus on positive things...

My Mom came over the past 2 days to play with Ara so that I could have some rest time (aka answer calls and fight with insurance people). The first day, they went outside to play and when my Mom saw a lizard she screamed so loud Ara ran inside. My Mom has this auto-scream anytime she sees something slithery, I can solidly pinpoint the origin of my irrational fears! Hahahah, I'm kidding, kind of. Well my Mom felt bad about scaring Ara so today she brought a package of fake lizards and bugs and a bug catching kit. I may be repeating the "super loud bug scream" the first time I see one of those in the house. Anyway, Ara loved it. She was the happiest little girl sitting outside arranging bugs and lizards among the flowers. She carried the 8 lizards around with her all day, in her pockets and carefully cupped in her hands. My favorite part is when people come over to talk to the "sweetie" and she holds up a lizard! Loving that reaction! We had the radio on to a local "pop" station and during every song Ara would declare that this song was a lizard song! The world is a wondrous place to her and I am so lucky (yucky) that I get to share her view a little bit.

