Ara told me I was a monkey. I said she looked like a banana and asked if she was yummy. She said, “no, I’m too hard and yucky”!
The photo is a shot I took back in October. Beautiful old pueblo style window framed with leaves.
I feel artistically blocked. I am trying to design a new site template for Wordpress now that I have control of my domain but I am drawing a blank. I wish I could remember my dream design (literally saw it in a dream).. I saw it so clearly a few weeks ago but now it’s poof! It’s been so long since I had so much freedom and I don’t know what to do with it!
We went to Target tonight and found some really cute Easter basket fillers. We looked at the actual basket selection and both A and I agreed that there was no point in buying a cheap wicker basket or in buying an over priced character basket that would only be used for one year.
So we went to the home section and found a pink plastic tote that is perfect and only $2.99. A picked out some super cute new socks and panties for her and I grabbed a dozen plastic eggs. A Sesame Street book, toy truck, and we finally caved and got her another Fur Berrie. She has been asking for Blue Berry Bear since December, except she calls it “booboo fairy”.
Quick update on GoDaddy. You can now upgrade your account from IIS6 to IIS7 without deleting your account. It’s a simple setting change. Be warned though, you cannot downgrade once you make the jump to 7. After I upgraded I successfully installed wordpress through the GoDaddy interface with no problems.
I recently used GoDaddy to transfer a domain into my name but I neglected to update the whois information and when the old owner complained, GoDaddy charged me a $10 fee to process that complaint (by process I mean email me about the fee). I need to learn not to take things for granted… I didn’t see this one coming at all. I assumed the info would be updated once it was added to my account. Mistakes will cost you… be warned.