Monday, May 29, 2006
Ara has been sort of complaining lately as she crawls/cruises in the living room. She really wants to explore and finds her safety zone boring. I hate having to constantly bring her back when she crawls away. I don't want to discourage her, so I started trying to think of different ways to engage her mind. We got her some giant Crayons and a piece of paper and she was SO excited. I actually have Ara's first artistic expression in my hand. I have also been trying to change my tone of voice when I say "aht aht aht" to stop her from eating the crayons. I can't understand, I am doing everything the "child experts" say to do and my baby thinks it's really funny! She laughs and laughs. She even holds the crayon near her mouth and looks at me expectantly!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Cut and Paste Thoughts
Activity: Playing FFXI tonight. BLM Ka-Boom. We recently reactivated our characters since we stopped playing a while ago. Not our old old characters though, sadly.
Music: Evanescence, I haven't listed to them in forever (so don't call me an emo).
Karma: So this lady sat in a chair next to me in class, picked up my pencil and kept it. The next day, one of my students gave me a gift; a pack of pencils, pens, and super cool highlighter post-it pens. Lose a pencil, gain many pencils!
On my Mind: I should make a To-Do list because I feel like I have a lot to do! What kind of people stick random bumper stickers on their cars? I saw a van today that read, "It's all about me" and "If you don't like abortion, don't have one" you do have to wonder.
Araness: Little wonder girl was in a kind of quiet mood today. Her Daddy has been working more so she wanted to be close to me all day, and I have NO objections to Ara-love. Head-hugs galore! She is cruising now, and even trying to stand without support.
Upload Ara pictures to Yahoo and have them printed
Have a set of pictures sent to CA grandma
Call Thursday student
Think about summer teaching day
Read chapter in child development book
Look at other child development books
Grocery store!
Get Ara a new toy box
Monday, May 22, 2006
Parenting Class :: Now go to your room!
1. Authorative
2. Permissive
3. Democratic
We discussed each style and it was clear that we were supposed to come to the conclusion that Democratic is the way to be. We did actually agree with that conclusion so that was convenient. Democratic parenting involves giving your child choices, which can be challenging. I do like the ultimate goal though, and that is to instill in your child a sense of worth and belonging. Parenting is a daunting task. I am so glad we are taking this class because it seems like consistency is the key to everything and we should start from the very beginning. It's strange, the more you are a parent the more you think about how you are a daughter. My own experiences from childhood keep popping up in my mind and I seem to see them from a completely different perspective. Anyway, we asked so many questions in class that the other students started to make fun of us! At the end of class the teacher asked each of us to talk about something we had learned. One guy said that he learned that new parents ask a lot of questions! Pfft. At the end of this 6 week class we will be getting a certificate. I will be a certified Mom. Woot.
Diet Update: Damn these strawberries are good (snaking on strawberries while I type). I am feeling much more energetic today! It is amazing how sugar, carbs, and caffeine can fool you into thinking you have energy. With sleep, water, and healthy food I feel like a semi-new person! I will feel much MUCH better though when I can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans.
Ara Update: The girl is on the move! Today Fun supported her as she walked across the room to me. She still drags her feet and no way does she have the balance to stand on her own yet but she looks damn cute! We had to buy her a playpen today because she is so fast we were starting to worry. It is a very cool playpen though and she seems to think its fun. It has a little zipper door that you can open so she can roam in and out until you need to close it up. It has a canopy that is all mesh so you can even take it outside and spare her mosquito bites! What did people do before all of these nifty and convenient inventions? She is doing this new thing where she puts one hand on her head and says, "ha". We think she is mimicking talking on the phone! She says the "ha" if you say "hi" so we are pretty sure that's what she is saying. So far we have identified Kitty, Joey, Em, Mom, Dada, and Bampa (grandpa). She also seems like MAYBE she is using the sign for food, although she uses it sometimes just to signal that she wants something not necessarily food.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I'm feeling really lethargic, I have been going hard core on the diet and I think it is just the adjustment period. I had gotten used to carbs, and I am craving something sweet so much! Plus Ara is all of the sudden so much faster than she used to be! I went to the birth center for a routine exam and I was really surprised how emotional I was. I was flooded with memories, good memories. I have such a warm spot in my heart for that place and the women who work there (sorry I've never seen a male working there). The midwives and nurses are the most caring people you can ever hope to come across in the health industry. I can't say enough about them, I hope someday the world will suddenly change and money hungry no heart hospitals and insurance companies will look to places like the Birth and Woman's Health Center for inspiration.
And... I'm tired and rambling. Goodnight!

Monday, May 15, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Caution Child at Play!
Ara crawled today! She has been getting around by scooching, rolling, and turning but today she got up on her hands and knees and zoooomed across the living room! I felt the tears well up and Bard looked at me and said, " You sound sad! She is going to think you're sad!". I only cry because I'm so proud and well... it seems like she is growing up so fast! On a less happy note, Ara still hasn't really shaken the cold that she has had for about 2 weeks (we took her to see her ped last week and they checked for strep throat). She went to her well-baby visit today and the doctor wants to have her lungs X-rayed to check for any repertory infections. Everything else about her visit was positive though. She is in the 75.90 percentile, she weighs 20.1 pounds, and is 28 inches tall. I love that you can say her height in inches! Unfortunately she had to get 3 immunization shots today even though she was already feeling sick. That made for an hard day for her, but she tries hard to keep a smile on her face. I told her that for Mother's Day I would like her to feel better and get lots of rest lol!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Is it on me?? I think it's on me!!
::Ara Update::
"I have a name!"
Yesterday morning I came into the kitchen where Ara was having her breakfast and like she always does when she spots me, Ara stops, and stares at me expectantly. Unlike an adult Ara looks you straight in the eye, reading you, she tries to keep her face neutral but you can see the smile that is waiting to burst forth. She looked like she was willing me to come to her! I bent down to kiss (and smell) her head and she turned to me and said very seriously, "Mom". Bard, my sister, and I all drew in breath and waited. Still looking at me she says, "Mama" and then as we are all starting to cheer she says, "Mom" one more time! I have a name! Woo hoo! She called me Mom a few times today and she doesn't seem to think it is extraordinary but it makes my heart skip a beat everytime.
"Yam Yum"
I made Ara Yams today, and she loves them. So much so that she painted her entire face, highchair, and everyone within arm reach with them. We also gave her a rice cake for the first time and she had a blast. Bard was making fun of me today for my strange interest in making babyfood since I am known for burning water.
"Rolly Polly baby"
It's amazing how fast she is growing, I think we can almost officially say she is crawling. She still doesn't have the hands and knee thing completely down but she can pivot, roll, backwards crawl, and lunge to get where she is going. She seems really focused on pulling herself up with furniture, maybe she thinks crawling if for the dogs and she would prefer to skip ahead to cruising.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Smokey smokersons moved in.
New people moved into the townhouse that connects to ours and I have to say we have definitely had better neighbors. For one thing, they smoke like (insert analogy here)
Ara Update:
- I can't get over how cute she is when she is trying to crawl. Cute cute cute.
- She holds her breath when she is trying really hard to get her butt in the
air. - She has adopted a cute stuffed kitty as her favorite toy. She chews on
it, talks to it, and hugs it when she is sleepy. - She has recently discovered she has a tongue. She likes to stick it out and roll it around in her mouth. She also loves to play with other people's tongues!
Me update:
- I am tired! It's 11 PM and I should have gone to bed an hour ago.
- I played Final Fantasy for about an hour tonight. I suddenly felt like doing something that was completely unrelated to real life!
- This is a crazy week and I am already wishing it was over.
- I have been thinking a lot lately about starting a graphic design certificate program. I think I will look into a summer class.
- I was doing pretty good on my diet until today. I went all day without eating and then had drive through hell on the way to work.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Matrix and Legos
Ara was a super cutie today. She does this thing where she puts her forehead on yours and moves her head back and forth. I don't know where she got that but she has done it since she was probably 4 months. Anyway, she was giving out lots of Ara head-hugs (as we call them), and she was all smiles and giggles. She seems to be feeling a lot better, her appetite is back, her nose is less... drippy, and she is back to crawling/wiggling around. I haven't really gotten a chance to rest yet so I'm still feeling blah.
We got her this gigantic bin full of really gigantic legos at Walmart. She has been fascinated with Joey's regular legos so it seemed like a good buy. First thing she did was dump out the legos and play with the plastic bin. There you have it. We should have just gotten her a rubber maid box. I had fun building with them though!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Mom 101 :: NAP TIME
10:05 AM On the baby monitor I hear her making cooing noises and crawling around her crib. Her crib-music thing turns on.
10:06 AM She makes frustrated noises. Probably backwards crawled herself into a corner.
10:07 AM I stand by the door deciding if I should go in.
10:08 AM I decide to go in then she suddenly stops crying and makes little squeaky happy noises. So I wait some more.
10:09 AM I wish I had a video monitor so I could see what in the world she does in there.
10:10 AM She cries the "Mommy come get me cry" I stand by the door again. She stops. I start to walk away. She cries again, sounding very tired.
10:11 AM I am standing near the door, hoping she will find her blanky and fall asleep.
10:12 AM Still hoping. Crying is now off and on. Maybe just maybe she is drifting off.
10:13 AM Crib music-thing stops playing. I haven't heard any sounds for about ONE MINUTE!
10:14 AM Silence. I start to relax. I even consider going to the bathroom since I really have to pee!
10:15 AM I am still sitting near the monitor. I still have not gone to the bathroom.
10:16 AM I finally believe she is asleep and run to pee!
10:18 AM Relief. She is asleep and my bladder is empty! Now I have an hour to clean up from breakfast. Get ready for lunch. And although I should return a few phone calls and look some stuff up I plan to lay down instead. This cold is kicking my butt and I couldn't sleep at all last night.
10:53 AM She wakes up with a cough and cries.
10:54 am I go get her!
18 minutes to get her to sleep. 36 minutes of sleep. Play, lunch, wash, play, repeat.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Summer is almost here and I am really looking forward to it. I feel a little stretched these days and I could use some R & R with Ara. Watching the cacti come into bloom makes me a little nostalgic (wow that word was hard to spell.. Another job for SPELL CHECK).
Last summer I...
- Spent long hours laying on the couch watching the birds in the trees and daydreaming about my little baby.
- I agonized over names.
- I drank WAY to many strawberry shakes from Mc Donalds (drool). By the way a small strawberry shake has more carbs in it than I used to eat in 2 days!
- I wandered aimlessly around Baby's R Us declaring everything cute.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
You name it, I can mushify it!
- Take apart and get rid of desk in living room
- Laundry
- Prepare fruit/veggies for Ara (boil until mushy!)
- Go to Target: baby food, formula, washcloths
- Sweep/mop kitchen
- Clean bathroom
- Check studio time for lessons on Thursday
- Return phone calls
- Call Ped about Ara's runny nose and goopy eye
Mushy Food, my specialty!
Ara LOVES my cooking. Finally someone who appreciates my talent for boiling stuff until it's mushy. Carrots, pears, apples... you name it, I can mushify it!
Ara Update:
- Food on tray :: in hand :: not squished :: into mouth!
- She can really cover some ground on her hands and knees, the only drawback is that she is going backwards and that pisses her off.
- She is exploring strawberry this week.
- She is starting to assign certain sounds to objects. The dog and cat are officially labeled. Me? I'm still just the lady who comes answers to ANY sound so I'm not worthy :)